Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 46: 10/10/10

This weeks challenge was a 10 minute challenge.  We took 10 pictures with in 10 feet of where we were in 10 minutes!  We both felt like we ran a marathon when we were done, moving lights and objects trying to capture the best shot.

When we decided to do this, I was sitting in my bedroom near a shelf that was, luckily, loaded with fun, decorative things to take pictures of!

Button my mom bought me when I was home at Christmas.

Birds painted on a bowl that I bartered for in Mexico.

Button on a box that I keep all my greeting cards in.

Top of a frame.

I bought this in Alaska. It's a carved face with seal fur around it.

This is me wearing a mask that I bought when I went to Fiji.

Buckle on the worn-out boots I was wearing.

Close-up of a wicker basket that I keep my extra blankets in.

Cute little bird decoration I bought when I lived in Wisconsin.

My Arctic Tern tattoo I got over this past Christmas break. (Arctic Terns are known for migrating far distances, but always knowing how to return home. That was the reason I got them.)

Jacie~ I was in the living room at the time of the challenge, I tried to capture things I hadn't shot before.

This is the top shelf of one of our bookshelves, the fishing items are from Don's dad's tackle box, the mug was Don's grandpa's and the thermos is from my family.

 Don's dad's camp lamp.

 A piece of red fungus I found a couple years ago in the woods, it's in a basket of drift wood.

 The seat of a rocking chair from my grandma's childhood days.
 Another treasure from Don's dad, one of the lamps in our living room was too modern for us so I hung 3 lures from the shade, used a bobber as a finial, then I stuck the base of the lamp in a wicker basket I made and filled it with drift wood and the piece of fungus.  May sound weird but it looks great. Perhaps it will show up in another photo someday!

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