Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 45: Jewelry


This is a bracelet that I bought at a table this fall during the African/Carribean Festival in Manchester, NH.

A portion of my earring collection.

This necklace was a gift from my aunt when I was a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding.

A favorite pair of my earrings.

I was trying to get creative in the backgrounds I used to display my jewelry. This was a stone that one of my students in New Zealand gave me as a gift when I completed my student-teaching there. I think it would make a good background for engagement ring pictures, when I start doing more engagement shoots!

This necklace was a gift from my parents. It it the outline of Lake Superior. When I am missing home, I love to look at it!

This is the engraved inside of the bracelet I got for Christmas this year from my grandparents. It might be a little hard to read, but it says "We love you, Grandpa and Maggie" (which is what I have always called my Grandma).

This was a necklace I carved from cow bone in a New Zealand bone carving class I took.

Don's wedding band!
 These belonged to my grandma and great grandma
 My Grandma Schwab had a bracelet with all her grandkids on it.  I remember hearing in jingle as she worked around the house. She wore it every day.

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