Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Week 42: Christmas Traditions

Since we were both together in Michigan this week, we decided to do our photos together.

Matt and I (Beth) have gone to visit Nikki's class for the past two years during her holiday pajama party. Here is a class picture, with Matt included.

We always decorate the Christmas tree with all our family ornaments. This year mom got to show all the ornaments to Jackson (my nephew).
 Every year my dad reads "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to us kids by the light of the Christmas tree. It was even more fun this year with Jackson!

We always open up one gift at a time in age order. So, Jackson was the first to open up a gift this year. Of course, he was more excited about the boxes his gifts came in!

 When the first grandchild was born on Jacie's side of the family, a family friend made her a felt Christmas stocking.  The tradition continued with Jacie's mom and Aunt making felt stockings for every child after that.  Once someone marries in to the family they get one.  This year Great Grandma Mills made Jackson's base and Grandma added the name and embellishments.  (There are 4 more stockings hanging on the other side of the wood stove.)

Making Christmas cookies with friends.

 This mixer is 60 years old.  Jacie's mom got it as a Christmas gift and it is well loved!
 Cookie cutters from Jacie's grandma and mom, couldn't begin to tell you how old they are.
 Our collection of Christmas books.

 Hot dogs. . .  yes, hot dogs ~~ years ago Jacie's Grandpa said that the women worked so hard making the Thanksgiving meal and doing all the Christmas preparations that he would get Hunkie's Hot Dogs from the Corner Bar in Rockford. (The only place open Christmas Eve) and ever since then the family has Hunkie's Hot Dogs. However, we are about 500 miles away so we just make our own but the tradition continues.
 Don began reading the Night Before Christmas 30 years ago on Christmas Eve and he read it every year, even to his adult children.  This year Jacie bought him a new book to celebrate their first grandchild.

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