Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 28 It Caught My Eye


I was really sick this week, so the things that caught my eye the most were Kleenex and cough medicine. But, I was still able to go out and capture a few fun pictures!

This is a picture of a rug at Pier One that I feel in love with. Someday, when I am making the big bucks, I will go back and buy it! :)

Our office participates in "Seacoast Day of Caring" every spring and fall. Businesses volunteer to do projects for local community groups, and this fall our project was to put together new patient packets for a non-profit health clinic. We also decided to make a painting that could be hung in the children's waiting room. This is the painting we worked on as a staff. Everyone in our office helped with the painting. This was our group delivering it to the clinic!

 My good friend Chelsea got a new little puppy this weekend. He is a Jack Russel Terrier named Hooper Jalapeno. Obviously, this cute little bugger caught my eye a lot!

 One of my favorite stores to go to is Pier One. I have always been drawn to bright bold colors! I love walking in and looking at their pillow shelves!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 27 Self portraits


This week was a challenge! I think I am much better behind the camera than in front of it. It was awkward to try and take creative pictures of myself. I threw away most of them, but there were four I decided I could keep.

Jacie~ I had something in mind for this project but saw the dirty old mirror and . . . .

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 26: Water Drops


I really didn't devote as much time to this week's photos as I wanted to. I tried quite a few different ones and just wasn't happy with how they turned out. So, I only have 3 that I felt were semi-worthy of posting.
